Paper No. 23
Presentation Time: 1:30 PM-4:30 PM
The accumulation rates of CaCO3 and organic carbon (OC) in lake sediments are delicately balanced between production in the epilimnion and destruction in the hypolimnion. The cycling of these two forms of carbon comprises a "carbon pump" that greatly affects the biogeochemical cycles of other elements. To further understand these biogeochemical dynamics, the lakes, streams, and wetlands of the Shingobee River headwater area of northwestern Minnesota have been subjected to intensive hydrologic and biogeochemical studies. Williams Lake, situated close to the highest point in the regional flow system, is hydrologically closed, with no surface inlet or outlet, and ground water and precipitation as the only sources of water. Shingobee Lake, situated at the lowest point in the regional flow system, has the Shingobee River as an inlet and outlet. The surface waters of both lakes are oversaturated, and the bottom waters undersaturated, with respect to CaCO3 during the summer. The small amount of CaCO3 that is precipitated in the epilimnion of Williams Lake during the summer is dissolved in the undersaturated hypolimnion and sediments with the result that no CaCO3 is incorporated into the profundal surface sediments. Because of the high phytoplankton productivity of Shingobee Lake, sufficient CaCO3 is produced in the epilimnion that large amounts survive the corrosive hypolimnion and sediments. Another consequence of higher phytoplankton productivity in Shingobee Lake is that the hypolimnion becomes oxygen deficient within a month after overturn in both the spring and fall. Because of reducing conditions that develop in the hypolimnion of Shingobee Lake, high concentrations of dissolved Fe and Mn accumulate there during summer stratification. Precipitation of Fe and Mn oxyhydroxides during periods of fall and spring overturn results in concentrations of Fe and Mn in surface sediments that are 7 times and 27 times higher, respectively, than can be explained by contributions of Fe and Mn from detrital aluminosilicates. High concentrations of Fe and Mn do not build up in the hypolimnion of Williams Lake
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