XVI INQUA Congress

Paper No. 3
Presentation Time: 1:30 PM-4:30 PM


BER, Andrzej, Department of Geological Mapping, Polish Geol Institute, Rakowiecka 4, Warsaw, 00-975, Poland, aber@pgi.waw.pl

The idea of elaboration of the Glaciotectonic Map of Poland have been carried out in 1997 with initiative of Andrzej Ber and Hanna Ruszczynska-Szenajch – Polish members of the Geospatial Analysis of Glaciated Environments (GAGE) Work Group of the INQUA Commission on Glaciation. The project in which tens of specialists from Polish Geological Institute and academies of sciences have been involved as coauthors was under coordination and science supervision of Andrzej Ber. Glaciotectonic features in Poland are classified in two main categories: (1) glaciotectonicly disturbed landforms and sediments expressed in recent relief, (2) buried disturbed landforms and sediments, not expressed in recent relief. Within the first category there occur: - composite ridges, massives, ridges and hills, mainly within the marginal zones, built of disturbed pre-Quaternary and/or Quaternary sediments, - glaciodepressions and rafts of the pre-Quaternary substratum. Within the second category there occur: - buried glacial depressions, - buried glacial sediments and - buried rafts of pre-Quaternary sediments. Originally, on territory of Poland there are two groups of glacial dislocations: - landforms created by the active moving ice sheet and - deformations associated with plastic rock squeezing into stagnant ice, fissures, land sliding and subsiding processes.