XVI INQUA Congress

Paper No. 9
Presentation Time: 11:10 AM


JARY, Zdzislaw, Department of Physical Geography, Univ of Wroclaw, pl. Uniwersytecki 1, Wroclaw, 50-137, Poland, jary@geogr.uni.wroc.pl

The loess in SW Poland occurs in several isolated patches, which differ one from another in sediment thickness, stratigraphy and physical properties. The most representative loess sequences provide a good record of climate changes during the last interglacial-glacial cycle (Eemian – Weichselian). One of the most spectacular features of loess sequences in SW Poland is the occurrence of well preserved relicts of periglacial horizons. Within the Eemian - Early Weichselian pedocomplex two periglacial horizons exist: the older one consists of indistinct polygons of narrow frost cracks bent downslope in their upper part by slow solifluction processes; the younger represents polygons of frost wedges with primary (loess) infilling, associated with wind-abraded surface with ventifacts. The upper horizons of pedocomplex are deformed by cryostatic pressure and frost heave and finally straggled by solifluction (third periglacial horizon). Small (1-2 m) ice-wedge casts formed in loess stratum underlying the complex of tundra-gley soils constitute the fourth periglacial horizon. Interpleniglacial complex of tundra-gley soils is markedly reworked under the influence of cryohydrostatic pressure and solifluction in its upper part (fifth periglacial horizon). The uppermost (sixth) periglacial horizon consists of large (2-4 m) ice-wedge casts and associated thermokarst structures connected with degradation of permafrost. Periglacial horizons recorded in loess sequences of SW Poland were formed as a result of extreme climatic conditions and/or rapid environmental changes during cold events of the last glacial period. Some of these horizons can be used as a stratigraphical markers.
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