Paper No. 7
Presentation Time: 1:30 PM-4:30 PM
The gas emission during oil feiled exploration occurs during engine work and oil and gas tests. Up to 600 wells is designed to be drilled during exploration. This amount of the well will produce significant amount of the gas which will enough for the regional changes in regional CO2 concentrations. The amount of the carbon dioxide emission will be determined using standard calculations. These calculations will be used for simulations of the carbon dioxide concentration within the ground surface. Distribution will be simulated using "Prizma" model - standard model for enviromental calculations in the Russian Federation. Simulations will be based both on the engine and oil and gas tests CO2 emissions and regional natural features (relief, temperature, wind strength and direction) These simulations will be resulted in the map of the carbon dioxide concetrations resulted from the oil and gas field exploration in Eastern Siberia.
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