Paper No. 1
Presentation Time: 1:30 PM-4:30 PM
One of the objectives of the 2001 coring campaign off Portugal aboard Marion Dufresne (funded by ec through the POP project) was to obtain records that would document the replicability of records such as that published by Shackleton et al. (Paleoceanography, 2000) from core MD95-2042. Here we demomonstrate some of the results of these tests noting first that the cores are readily correlated using magnetic susceptibility data. Particularly important features that we have replicated include 1: the relationship between vegetation (through pollen) and marine climate (through isotope data) records of the Last Interglacial and of Marine Isotope Stage 3 interstadials; 2: the relationship between temperature and the benthic isotope record in Marine Isotope Stage 3; 3: the relationship between benthic and planktonic isotope records in Marine Isotope Stage 3; 4: the details of the early part of Marine Isotope Stage 3 in relation to the Greenland ice core records; 5: the radiocarbon age of each interstadial in relation to its Greenland ice core model age; 6: the details of Marine Isotope Stages 6 to 9; 7: the number and relative magnitude of distinct ice rafting events.
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