XVI INQUA Congress

Paper No. 1
Presentation Time: 1:30 PM-4:30 PM


HOEK Jr, W.Z., Physical Geography, Utrecht Univ, Heidelberglaan 2, Utrecht, NL 3508 TC, Netherlands, w.hoek@geog.uu.nl

*INTIMATE (Integration of Ice-core, Marine, and Terrestrial Records): a core project of the INQUA Palaeoclimate Commission, http://www.geog.uu.nl/fg/INTIMATE/

This poster is a joint effort of all congress delegates that contribute data to this poster.

The abrupt, millennial-scale climatic fluctuations of the Last Termination are among the most intensively-studied features of the Late Quaternary. High-resolution records of this period are available from the terrestrial, marine and polar ice realms. The principal objective of the INTIMATE project of the INQUA Palaeoclimate Commission is to synthesise marine, terrestrial, and ice-core data for the Atlantic region during the Last Glacial-Interglacial Transition (LGIT: ca. 13-10 14C kyr BP; ca. 15-11.5 ice-core kyr BP).

In this poster a number of high-resolution records covering the Last Termination are presented in order to compare them with each other. The results as presented during the associated symposium and current poster session are given, and, more important, INQUA congress delegates can add their own data and compare it to the other data sets on a common time-scale. Present all reconstructions on a calendar/ice-core timescale, where possible.

Please note the following important requirements for adding your data to this poster:

1) Add the name of the location, geographical coordinates, and author name to table 1. 2) Plot your location number from table 1 on the global map (figure 1). 3) Specify for your location the calibration used for conversion of 14C years to calendar years (e.g. INTCAL 98, Suigetsu) and indicate the reservoir correction used for marine 14C dates in table 2. 4) Plot the events (warm, cold, wet or dry) under the location number in table 3.

Now you should be able to solve the following question: Were climatic oscillations during the Last Termination globally synchronous?

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