Over the past decade, our research group at the University of Arizona has designed and constructed extraction systems and developed chemical pretreatment protocols that allow us to isolate in situ 14C from quartz. We can now routinely achieve a 2σ precision of ±5% for quartz samples containing as little as ~100,000 14C atoms g-1. While quartz can be found in most places on Earth, basaltic terrains are an exception. To fill this gap, we conducted numerous chemical pretreatment experiments and step-heated extractions aimed at isolating and extracting in situ 14C from olivine. Our results suggest that step-heated extractions alone may be sufficient to isolate in situ 14C from olivine.
More recently, we designed and built an extraction system at the University of Arizona Desert Laboratory that is dedicated to measuring very old 14C ages (35-55 ka) in charcoal. In conjunction with a new pretreatment protocol, the acid-base-oxidation stepped-combustion (or ABOX-SC) method developed by Michael Bird and co-workers at Australia National University, the upper limit of reliable 14C measurements for charcoal appears to have been pushed back to ~55 ka an improvement of 10-15 ka over the current limit. We are currently working to verify and perhaps even improve upon Bird et al.'s results using our new extraction system.