2006 Philadelphia Annual Meeting (22–25 October 2006)

Paper No. 7
Presentation Time: 9:45 AM


STAIGER, Jane Willenbring, National Center for Earth-surface Dynamics, University of Minnesota - Twin Cities, 2 Third Avenue SE, Minneapolis, MN 55414, PERG, Lesley A., National Center for Earth-surface Dynamics and Dept. of Geology and Geophysics, University of Minnesota-Twin Cities, 310 Pillsbury Drive, Minneapolis, MN 55455 and FULLER, Ted, Geology and Geophysics, Univ of Minnesota, 310 Pillsbury Drive, Minneapolis, MN 55455, staig011@umn.edu

Human land use has left both visible and isotopic marks on the South Fork Eel River basin, northern California. Anthropogenically disturbed catchments in this area are scarred by logging roads, drag trails and deforestation-induced slumps and landslides. We have developed a methodology to constrain the erosional effect of human land use, by using terrestrial in situ cosmogenic nuclide (TCN) concentrations (10Be) in river sand from active stream channels, flood bars, and infilled saw-mill ponds.

10Be concentrations from active channel deposits are significantly lower in disturbed areas compared with adjacent, lithologically similar, undisturbed areas within the UC – Heath and Marjorie Angelo Reserve. Higher concentrations of 10Be in river sediment from these undisturbed watersheds within the Reserve match 10Be concentrations in the bars deposited prior to the extreme land use change. In disturbed areas, lowered 10Be concentrations can reflect an order-of-magnitude increase in soil erosion and/or deeper (sub-soil) erosion. In the case of soil erosion, anthropogenic disturbances frequently result in disequilibrium TCN concentrations in soil, precluding steady-state erosion rate estimation in modern river sediments. In the case of sub-soil erosion, erosion from the cut sides of deeply inset logging roads may be contributing a large portion of ‘10Be dead' material derived from deep in the exponential 10Be production profile. These end-member cases can be modeled and provide constraints on logging road sediment contribution and century-timescale soil erosion due to logging.

Our data suggests that erosion rates determined from flood bar deposits can be used to assess the natural ‘baseline' erosion rate prior to human disturbance. Moreover, this methodology could be exported to other logged areas and to agricultural watersheds and has implications for TCN in river sediment sampling methodology.