KREYLOS, Oliver1, BAWDEN, Gerald W.
2, BILLEN, Magali I.
3, COWGILL, Eric
4, HAMANN, Bernd
5, JADAMEC, Margarete A.
6, KELLOGG, Louise H.
3, STAADT, Oliver G.
5 and SUMNER, Dawn Y.
7, (1)KeckCAVES, University of California, Davis, One Shields Avenue, Davis, CA 95616, (2)US Geological Survey, Sacramento, CA 95819, (3)Geology Department, University of California, Davis, One Shields Avenue, Davis, CA 95616, (4)Department of Geology, University of California, One Shields Avenue, Davis, CA 95616, (5)Computer Science, University of California, Davis, One Shields Avenue, Davis, CA 95616, (6)Department of Geological Sciences, Brown University, Providence, RI 02912, (7)Geology, University of California, Davis, One Shields Ave, Davis, CA 95616,,