Our analytical expression is derived for melt volumes produced by oblique impacts as a function of gravity, impact velocity, impact angle, and density of impact projectiles and target surfaces on the Earth, Moon, and Mars. The most probable oblique impact (45º) produces ~1.6 times less melt volume than a vertical impact, and ~1.6 to 3.7 times more melt than impacts with 30º and 15º trajectories, respectively. The melt volume for a particular crater diameter increases with gravity and impact velocity, so a crater on Earth will have more melt than similar-size craters on Mars and the Moon. For example, the formation of a transient crater with a particular diameter on Earth generates 2 to 3 times more melt than on Mars and 4 to 5 times more melt than on the Moon. The direction of the trend is similar when comparing structures with the same final crater diameters: assuming a 45º trajectory the 180 km diameter Chicxulub impact crater produced at the K-T boundary on Earth contains ~7,800 km3 of melt (and up to 12,000 km3 for a vertical impact), while the 180 km diameter Tsiolkovsky crater on the Moon contains only ~6,900 km3 of melt. However, the melt volume for a particular projectile diameter does not depend on gravity, but has a strong dependence on impact velocity, so the melt generated by a given projectile on the Moon is ~2 times greater than that on Mars. Collectively, these results imply thinner central melt sheets and smaller proportion of melt particles in impact breccias on the Moon and Mars than on Earth.