Paper No. 2
Presentation Time: 8:15 AM
The Optical Televiewer (OPTV) is a full bore high resolution, orientated, optical wireline imaging device with integrated Gamma Ray measurement designed to work in air hole and clear fluid environments. Since there is no transform from micro resistivity or acoustic signals to the visual image, geologic features such as facies, bedding, fractures, vugs, etc., can be directly identified (including in real time acquisition) and the strike and dip determined. Distinguished from traditional downhole cameras, the “log” is a jpeg or bitmap of the borehole. Borehole images can be presented as NEWSN or URDLU (horizontal) flat, 4 quadrants, or rotatable single core views.
As with other imaging devices interpretation packages include arrow plot, multiple stick plots, rose diagrams, azimuth frequency plots and stereogram. This presentation will include real time acquisition and processed examples from the Appalachian Basin including Marcellus Shale and Lower Huron Shale as well as Devonian sand shale sequences.