The AS1 is a simple inexpensive ($600.00) seismograph capable of recording distant and local earthquakes. The epicenter of the Virginia earthquake was at a distance of 784km or 7° yet excellent records of the earthquake were attained. Travel time curves for the Eastern United States by Nuttli were used to analysize the seismogram to identify Pn, P+, Pg, Sn, S+, and Lg. Magnitude of the earthquake was determined by using Nuttli formula for Eastern United States mbLg=Log A/T + 1.66LogD + 3.3. The free AmaSeis software calculated the Fourier transform of the earthquake indicating maximum energy associated with .9 Hz frequency. The record of the earthquake was also used to create student exercises on seismogram interpretation. The inexpensive AS1 proved to be an excellent seismograph for recording earthquakes for student use and research.