2014 GSA Annual Meeting in Vancouver, British Columbia (19–22 October 2014)

Paper No. 253-4
Presentation Time: 1:45 PM


PEREIRA, Monica, Collections, California State University Channel Islands, P.O. 212, Camarillo, CA 93011-0212 and PROSSER, Cynthia L., University of Georgia Libraries, University of Georgia, Science Collections - Science Library, University of Georgia, Athens, GA 30602

Research questions in the geosciences demand large amounts of data. The challenge is to collect the requisite volume of data to address these queries adequately. Contributions in many fields of science are facilitated by the participation of ordinary people. This involvement provides opportunities for a wide variety of people to participate in science projects, increase the amounts of incoming data, and possibly increase the scope of the project. The internet provides easy discoverability and access to these projects.

There are numerous extant projects available to the volunteer, which require varying levels of expertise and commitment. Some are straightforward enough for school-age participants; others are more suited to adults. In-depth training and specialized equipment are necessary for some projects, while others can be started following a brief on-line tutorial. Most projects require access to the Internet via computer or smartphone in order to expedite research. Not only does the potential magnitude of data collection help scientist, it also increases the investment of citizen scientists in the outcomes of research, and promotes understanding of the scientific process and the variety of uses for the procured data.

  • Pereira&Prosser-20141021-T145-HarnessingData_CitizenScientist.pdf (414.5 kB)