A new active learning introductory gemology studio course with a lab component was created at Queensborough Community College with the goals of increasing student awareness of learning and retention by promoting student participation in the learning process and in research. Lecture and lab are linked for registration in the new course. An emphasis on active inquiry-based approaches to learning necessitated development of new educational materials that will be presented including web-based materials. Lecture and lab are linked and students presented results from each studio meeting. Educational materials and pedagogical methods in geology and mineralogy have been adapted and implemented to create new course units for entry-level students. The course uses peer-based learning and problem solving by creating student groups that discuss observations and measurements. Discussion groups are required to observe, synthesize, and evaluate data for presentations. The goal is to empower student learning and peer based teaching and to recruit early career, often non-STEM students, to earth science. Students engage in reflections on their learning as well. In this presentation we will discuss the implementation and evaluation of the course at our college and demonstrate products produced by our students as they researched various topics in gemology.
This work is supported by an NSF TUES grant.