2015 GSA Annual Meeting in Baltimore, Maryland, USA (1-4 November 2015)

Paper No. 244-5
Presentation Time: 2:30 PM


DAVIS, Angela R., University Libraries, The Pennsylvania State University, Engineering Library, 325 Hammond, University Park, PA 16802, ard21@psu.edu

The National Technical Reports Library (NTRL) database was released for public use in October 2014 to improve the patchwork of access to National Technical Information Services (NTIS) documents. This database provides citation access to all three million NTIS documents and full-text to 800,000 reports, mostly post-1995. NTRL can be accessed through free individual registration or fee based subscriptions for individuals or institutions. NTIS is the permanent repository for federally funded scientific, technical, and engineering research reports. It collects materials from government agencies including the U.S. Geological Survey, Bureau of Mines, and National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, among others. In 2011, approximately 20% of NTIS materials were from geosciences or related disciplines.

You may already have access to NTIS information through a commercial database vendor or be satisfied with the free public search capabilities of www.ntis.gov. Why should you or your institution consider registering or subscribing to NTRL? Registration or subscription provides access to advanced search features and services that improve electronic access to NTIS materials. This presentation will discuss how NTRL differs from other platforms providing NTIS access, explore its search features, and discuss the pros and cons of registering or subscribing.

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