- the tops and bottoms of the strata,
- ages of top and bottom,
- initial porosities according to strata,
- compaction coefficients and
- densities according to the analyzed strata.
Through Matlab Guide (which is the tool used in this educational program) this data previously mentioned is collected easily and in an educational way. The user is able to use given coefficients from a data base collected from books(Allen & Allen, 1990) and thesis(Ortiz, 1996). The user is also able to calculate the needed coefficients from rock information with a strata specialized calculator I programmed.
The collected data from the software is then settled into matrices which hold and run each data point through the equation 8.23 from (Allen & Allen). This equation 8.23 is a decompaction equation that restores each sedimentary unit to its likely original width. Some equations from (Allen & Allen, 1990) are then used to apply the backstripping technique over the modified data and finally the water level is added to the modified data to obtain a more real modelling of the data. This process previously mentioned is all done by the programming of Nestor Cardozo (backstrip, 2016). The educational GUI is my contribution to Cardozo´s work.