Unfortunately, these resources are scattered across a multitude of websites, are developed without coordination or - where appropriate - integration, without organized community input or feedback, and typically are not accompanied by resources describing learning objectives and best practices.
As we look to increased use of digital resources in geoscience education - including fully online courses - we propose that the geoscience education community develop a digital teaching network that would support a growing community-of-practice of geoscience educators sharing resources and best practices, and working together to develop resources and experiences that conceptually articulate and even inter-operate. Such a network would include: a thematically searchable portal to aid discovery and access to this growing resource base; meta-resources to help train instructors in how to utilize these resources in different teaching contexts (e.g., fully online vs. hybrid); technologies to aid in integration and co-development of interactive learning experiences, including adaptive courseware, that utilize these resources; and tools for rating, communication, and professional development around digitally enhanced geoscience education.
Online networks to enhance teaching were pioneered in the geosciences by SERC. The proposed network would adapt the SERC philosophy to digital resources and platforms, following models emerging in other disciplines (e.g., BEST, PhET, Infiniscope), to advance the art and practice of geoscience education in the digital age.