Paper No. 153-4
Presentation Time: 9:00 AM-1:00 PM
The geosciences are highly multidisciplinary and present numerous opportunities to explore and incorporate methodologies from other disciplines. Static and dynamic compression of condensed matter are established interdisciplinary research areas where materials are studied under extreme conditions. The applications of compression science are relevant to photo- physics/chemistry, materials science, defense science, mechanical engineering, phase stability, as well as the evolution of planetary surfaces and the generation of geologic materials in space. In our dynamic compression projects, we are launching a shockwave in mineral samples using laser driven flyer plates to perform real time, in situ, as well as shock recovery experiments via optical spectroscopy. Concepts explored in this project are those taught at the introductory levels such as mechanics, optics, atomic physics, statistical analysis, reactivity, and crystallography. The project couples theory with hands on skills using fluorescence spectroscopy, Raman spectroscopy, transmission electron microscopy (TEM), X-ray diffraction (XRD) and high-speed imaging. The materials investigated so far include quantum dots, fluorescent dyes, apatite, oxides, and silicates. Initial detailed shock investigations were carried out on cryptomelane and birnessite. Students received hands on training on the JEOL 2100 TEM, on laser spectroscopy data acquisition and analysis, and participated in shock compression experiments at the University of Illinois, Urbana facility. Our research group began in the time of COVID, requiring careful coordination to carryout experiments and analytical work without compromising safety. Faculty worked closely using remote meetings with students, phone calls, email, and data management systems to enable learning outcomes of direct experience with instrumentation, a visit to a national level facility, and presenting at the Geological Society of America. Approaches that helped all participants were schedule flexibility, text messaging ability between faculty, responsive staff support, setting common flexible short-term goals with concrete long-term goals, and incorporating mentoring beyond the immediate project needs. Strategic benefits of these approaches were realized as COVID restrictions eased.