Using continuous hydrochemical monitoring and dye tracing methods, the groundwater catchment has been delineated as an elongated area that extends the length of a regional syncline. The effects of rapid snowmelt and rainfall recharge from up to 14 km away are expressed at the Watridge Karst Spring by an increase in discharge followed by a lagged decrease in electrical conductivity (EC). The discharge and EC fluctuate over a diurnal scale as well as a hydrologic event scale (e.g., episodic snowmelt or heavy storm). Groundwater response times are defined here as the lag time between a hydrologic event and a resulting change in the spring hydrochemistry. This timing can be used to approximate celerity in the case of discharge, and velocity in the case of EC. Cross-correlation analysis between input and output signals has been used to constrain groundwater response times between 1 and 4 days. This is supported by dye tracing where groundwater velocities as high as 0.04 m/s have been recorded. An annually reoccurring and sudden change in outflow behaviour is characterized by a decreased recession rate, longer groundwater response times, and increased EC. This shift occurs below a flow rate of approximately 1000 L/s, where the water table drops to a threshold height. Thereupon, a shallow flow path carrying fresh snowmelt is drained and disconnected from a deeper flow network of longer-residing groundwater. This suggests a highly variable hydraulic gradient throughout the snowmelt season. A hypothesized dual flow regime is characterized by fast-flowing conduit flow, and slow-moving fracture flow.