GSA Connects 2022 meeting in Denver, Colorado

Paper No. 142-4
Presentation Time: 8:55 AM


MCCALPIN, James, GEO-HAZ Consulting, Inc., P.O. Box 837, Crestone, CO 81131

Pete influenced applied geology by his three books on soils & geomorphology (1974, 1984, 1999), and by the grad students he taught in soils/geomorphology and Quaternary stratigraphy classes in Boulder. IN PALEOSEISMOLOGY: the field did not exist in 1974-75 when I attended CU, but his 1984 edition added a chapter on “Application of Soils to Geomorphological, Sedimentological, and Environmental Studies.” In 1991 he taught a Short Course to Utah Geol. Survey, “Soils as a Tool for Applied Quaternary Geology”, with paleoseismic examples. In 1999 he expanded his final chapter on Applied Geology, including “Using Soils to Date Tectonic Activity.” Further, the success of his first two editions encouraged me to publish “Paleoseismology” (1996, 2009). IN SACKUNGEN: Pete was PI of NSF grant EAR-9506371, “Origin and Seismic Potential of Antislope Scarps in Mountainous Areas”, executed by myself and Pete’s last grad student Molly (Bentley) Zorba. In 1996 we trenched the Stillwater Scarp, Nevada; in 1997, sackungen at Mt. Chabenec, Slovakia, and Mt. Encampadana, Andorra (with Pete colleague Jordi Corominas). This laid foundation for a 2-year NEHRP study of antislope scarps in the San Gabriel Mountains, California (1998-99) with Earl Hart (Calif. Geol. Surv. CD 2003-05, 2 CD-ROMs). The CD set won the AEG Holdredge Award in 2005.The Stillwater paper was finally published just before Pete’s death and won 2022 Best Paper Award from the Assoc. Envir. & Eng. Geol. IN SKI AREA GEOLOGY: In 1993 the White River Natl. Forest approached Pete to consult on geology/slope stability problems in Colorado ski areas. He turned them down but recommended me. Study of ski area geology began employing Pete’s methods in soils, geomorphology, and Quaternary stratigraphy, improving the standard of practice. Over the next 30 years GEO-HAZ performed more than 40 ski area studies as part of the EIS process. I kept Pete updated on problems related to the downhill industry, which amused him as a cross-country skier.