Here we consider the hypothesis that the HRT experienced a time break of decades between Members B and C through evaluation of quartz and sanidine crystals erupted at the onset of Member C, where partial decompression and reconfiguration of separate magma bodies could be recorded in the crystal rims. Bright Ti-rich rims occur on ~16% of 123 quartz crystals taken from five horizons, with Ti-in-quartz diffusion modeling yielding average boundary ages of 461 or 45,500 years2 (diffusion coefficient dependent). Bright Ba-rich rims occur on ~24% of 82 sanidine crystals from the same layers. These rims yield ages of 1,050-4,650 years; however, these are likely overestimates based on the uncertainty of the original boundary profile3. Interestingly, the offset in these time estimates are remarkably similar to those present in other silicic systems (e.g., Lava Creek Tuff3, Bishop Tuff4), where rims have been attributed to late-stage recharge into the system, not eruption time breaks. We postulate that these rims and their resulting timescales might be ubiquitous across many erupted rhyolitic magmas, and thus their interpretation requiring further evaluation to deduce the if a particular process can be parsed out.
1Cherniak et al. 2007 Chem. Geol. 236 65; 2Jollands et al. 2020 Geology 48 654; 3Shamloo & Till 2019 Contrib. to Mineral. Petrol. 174 32; 4 Chamberlain et al. 2014 Contrib. to Mineral. Petrol. 168 1034.