Here, we revisit fits to individual cycloids by inverse modeling the cycloids to determine the stresses and mechanical behavior implied by their shapes. In this study, we assume the cycloids formed at their present locations. Using mathematical functions to represent cycloid shapes, we can evaluate each point along a cycloid independently of any other. We compare each point to the stress field at its observed location and determine the time and stress at which a fracture segment with that orientation would be produced. Using this inverse method, we find that the paths of individual cycloids can be well-matched at their current locations, negating the need for NSR. We also find that 1) even though continuous propagation was no longer prescribed in the model, good fits imply that arcs form mostly continuously, and 2) to fit cycloids at their current locations requires that the stresses at which propagation begins and ends varies from arc to arc. These results align with a study of cycloid cusp angles, in which inferred failure stresses varied by roughly a factor of 2. Although more work is needed to further explore these findings, we now have the ability to reproduce cycloids, strike-slip faults, and linear fractures without stress or motion from NSR. Thus, we conclude that Europa’s ice shell is almost certainly tidally-locked over the timescale recorded by its surface geology.
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