Virtual transfer fair was held in the winter quarter (January 24th from 5-7pm) after most students had determined they were interested in geology at the two year college, but before transfer applications were due. Students either zoomed in individually or in a classroom with their peers. There were a total of 31 separate zoom logins, with approximately 25 students participating across the state. A total of 7 4YC/U presented and 12 2YC were invited. Students were also invited to meet with faculty/advisors from individuals 4YC/U in separate breakout rooms after the more formal presentations.
Some of the information that students found most useful were how colleges support transfer students in acclimating to their new institution (e.g., a summer field experience specifically for transfer students), scholarships specifically targeted for transfer students, undergraduate research opportunities, tuition considerations for transfer students (e.g., providing a reduced tuition to local 2YC), and other general expectations of classes and experiences.
Discussions for future transfer fairs are continuing along with plans for an associated spring career panel with previous transfer students for near-peer models of their own experiences, including academic preparation and current career path. All of these efforts are working toward the larger goal of providing greater transparency for students in the complex and challenging transfer process, while also opening up avenues of communication between transfer institutions.