Sunday, 12 March 2023
6:30 AM-7:00 AM
FT2. Tar Creek Superfund Site Field Trip DEPARTURE
Wes Watkins Center North Lot (Wes Watkins Center)
9:00 AM-1:00 PM
SC1. Core Workshop: Introduction to Carbonate and Siliciclastic Depositional Systems for Oil and Gas, Groundwater, and Carbon Capture and Storage
Gary Stewart Core Facility Lab (Stewart Core Facility Lab)
9:00 AM-4:00 PM
SC2. The Future of Geoscience Education: Implementing Technology for Engagement and Recruitment
Noble Research Center, NRC 007/008 (Noble Research Center)
12:00 PM-4:00 PM
SC4. High Resolution Site Characterization Technologies used with Direct Push
Room 109 (Wes Watkins Center)