Petrography and cathodoluminescence images of Tuolumne Intrusive Complex (TIC) samples identify relative crystallization sequences and microstructures in schlieren and the nearby host. For example, in Cathedral Peak (CP) schlieren, plagioclase shows relict cores, truncated zoning, glomerocryst clusters, and anhedral rims with lower anorthite contents. In the host, defrosting indicators are abundant, including strongly rounded and embayed plagioclase within poikilitic alkali feldspar. Mineral thermometry constrains crystallization and defrosting between ~900-700 °C in each unit, overlapping between host and schlieren. We interpret that phases listed above were present within a crystal-rich mush before flow-sorting and that defrosting, affecting feldspars and quartz, may have occurred repeatedly to mobilize magmas before and after schlieren formation.
Crystal accumulation estimates were attained through mineral-melt equilibrium and Zr-in-hornblende tests (Barnes et al. 2019). Calculated melt compositions indicate that plagioclase and hornblende in the schlieren and host across TIC units formed from rhyolitic melts. Using the Barnes et al. (2019) method, host samples experienced minor zircon accumulation (1-5%) although their bulk compositions are controlled by non-zircon accumulation and melt loss. In contrast, CP schlieren accumulated 5-10% zircon relative to the host (1%). This difference is also seen in modal abundances in schlieren which are higher than the host by a factor of 4-8. Preliminary calculations suggest a typical schlieren may require ~1-100 m3 of surrounding magma to accumulate the necessary assemblage, about the same map scale as observed schlieren spacing in the TIC. Extrapolating to the entire TIC would require << 1 km3 of magma to form the >9,000 schlieren predicted by Paterson et al. (2016). Although schlieren appear to be volumetrically minor contributors to TIC differentiation, they preserve a record of widespread dynamic processes in the complex.