GSA Connects 2024 Meeting in Anaheim, California

Paper No. 167-9
Presentation Time: 10:30 AM


CUGINI, Brandon1, MEMETI, Valbone1, PATERSON, Scott R.2, DUNN, Samantha1 and DURNING, Sadie1, (1)Department of Geological Sciences, California State University Fullerton, 800 N State College Blvd, Fullerton, CA 92831, (2)Department of Earth Sciences, University of Southern California, 3651 Trousdale Pkwy, Los Angeles, CA 90089

This study investigates emplacement mechanisms in the Jackass Lakes pluton (JLP), a 98-97 Ma, 175 km2, 10-13 km deep pluton in the central Sierra Nevada with associated volcanic and porphyry units. Two areas of >40 km2 were mapped at 1:10,000 scale as part of two USGS EDMAP projects in 2023 and 2024 and synthesized with previous geologic maps. Mapping, 3D cross section analysis, fabric and strain measurements, petrography, U-Pb zircon dating, and XRF whole rock geochemistry were performed to unravel the lithology and emplacement of the JLP to determine if the JLP represents a sheeted intrusion (McNulty et al., 1996), if faulting/shear zones impacted emplacement, or if the emplacement history was more nuanced (Pignotta et al., 2010). Results show that: (1) most intrusive units have irregular geometries that are not sheet or dike shaped; (2) JLP’s overall mapped shape is roughly rectangular although it is truncated at the N and S ends; (3) the W contact with the c. 100 m.y. Illilouette Creek (IC) pluton is sharp and jagged – IC fabrics are decoupled from the JLP, indicating a brittle, discordant relationship with the JLP and a different strain field prior to JLP emplacement; (4) a large quantity of xenoliths of host and cognate inclusions of JLP record stoping; (5) a single magmatic to mildly solid-state fabric overprints all magmatic and some host units reflecting tectonic strain; (6) gradational and sharp internal magmatic contacts with mullion and lobate structures and widespread enclave swarms indicate significant amounts of mixing/mingling of coeval magmas; (7) large E-W directed strain (50-70% shortening) perpendicular to fabric strike is recorded by several internal markers; 8) metavolcanic pendants and underlying leucocratic porphyries found at high elevations are indicative of melt caps below the pluton roof resulting from filter pressing; (9) lack of synmagmatic faults and pluton wide pervasive shear zones indicate faulting/shearing played little to no role in the JLP’s emplacement. The above suggests that the incrementally grown JLP experienced a complex emplacement history associated with collapse and burial of volcanic units to 10-13 km depths, stoping, internal recycling, regional shortening and vertical thickening, melt loss and sheet wedging to diapiric/mushy interactions between the plutonic phases.