GSA Connects 2024 Meeting in Anaheim, California

Paper No. 234-5
Presentation Time: 9:25 AM


LERIA, Maria1, BAQUÉS, Vinyet2, PLAYÀ, Elisabet2, TRAVÉ, Anna2 and CANTARERO, Irene2, (1)Arts i Conservació-Restauració, Faculty of Fine Arts, University of Barcelona, Pau Gargallo 4, Barcelona, 08028, Spain, (2)Mineralogia, Petrologia i Geologia Aplicada, Faculty of Earth Science, University of Barcelona, Barcelona, 08028, Spain

It is imperative to sensitize the population about the presence of microplastics in the environment. The present work aims to create activities to study microplastics in the common table salt for Primary and Secondary Education teachers in Earth Sciences. Visual guides have been designed, through an interdisciplinary collaboration between Geology and Fine Arts university researchers. This work was designed under Sustainable Development Goals 3, 4, 6, and 12, as long as it focuses on the impact of the plastic we generate that can be easily ingested.

Four laboratory visual protocols for the study of microplastics (MP) in table salts at a regular chemistry lab from primary or high schools, or even at home, were previously defined. These guides mainly consist of how to dissolve salt in water, filter and observe filters, and control the possible pollution of samples during handling. Such lab procedures were synthesized and drawn, searching for the most appropriate way to transmit the laboratory protocols. The artistic techniques used are pencil, watercolor, and black ink, to later digitize the illustrations. The design of the tools has been done by drawing with a high level of iconicity, to clarify its meaning, and to make them as synthetic and attractive as possible. Illustrations have been accompanied by short texts, facilitating comprehension and circulation, either to be shared digitally or by printing on paper. Primary or High school teachers can use the created visual manual and apply it in classes. Experiments can be developed even if any chemical laboratory is not available at the education center. These guides are free and available in three languages (Catalan, Spanish, and English) at, where a whole project with more activities can be found.

  • MICRO2024GSA.pdf (3.7 MB)