GELLASCH, Christopher, Dept. of Geography And Geology, Eastern Michigan University, 140 Strong Hall, Ypsilanti, MI 48197-2216
Many undergraduate students do not make the connection between their academic major and non-academic career options until they are close to graduation. This can complicate their post-graduation job search. At Eastern Michigan University (EMU) both the Environmental Science and Society (ENVI) and Professional Geology programs have implemented methods to expose students to professionals working in related fields through networking events on and off campus. This allows students to learn about various careers in the private sector, government agencies, and with non-profit organizations. Many students find internships or permanent employment during these events. Although some students are initially hesitant about networking, they are coached by staff from the University Advising and Career Development Center and program faculty before their first event and afterward most express a willingness to attend more events.
The EMU Professional Geology majors in the Hydrogeology concentration are required to complete either an internship or hydrogeology field camp. Other geology majors are encouraged to complete an internship. The ENVI program requires all students to either complete an internship or undergraduate research project during their final year. Most students in those programs do not plan to attend graduate school so internships are important both for familiarization with career options and also gaining experience for a permanent position. Internships can also lead to permanent employment with the same organization when the student graduates. Student feedback regarding the networking events and internships is very positive. Local employers have sought to hire more EMU students based on these programs. The key to making these programs successful is having a small number of faculty working with the Career Development staff on campus and providing outreach to outside organizations to maintain a list of internship and networking opportunities.