Wednesday, 15 May 2024
6:15 AM-7:00 AM
7:00 AM-7:15 AM
7:00 AM-5:00 PM
7:00 AM-6:00 PM
8:00 AM-12:00 PM

T1. Recent Advances in Mineral Resources Research and Exploration
Birch Ballroom (Davenport Grand Hotel)
T14. Continental Mafic Volcanism I: Honoring the Career of Vic Camp
Meeting Room 1 (Davenport Grand Hotel)

T19. Structure and Tectonics of the North American Cordillera and Rocky Mountains I
Maple Ballroom (Davenport Grand Hotel)
8:00 AM-6:00 PM
9:00 AM-10:00 AM
Geoscience Career Program Workshop Part 1: Career Planning and Informational Interviewing
Terrace Room East (Davenport Grand Hotel)
9:00 AM-5:30 PM
T1. Recent Advances in Mineral Resources Research and Exploration (Posters)
Grand Ballroom (Davenport Grand Hotel)

T6. Advancements in Geologic Carbon Sequestration in Basalt (Posters)
Grand Ballroom (Davenport Grand Hotel)
T10. Paleontology in the West: Fossils, Localities, Research, and Education in the Rocky Mountain and Cordilleran Regions (Posters)
Grand Ballroom (Davenport Grand Hotel)
T13. New Developments in the Magmatic Drivers of Cascades Volcanism (Posters)
Grand Ballroom (Davenport Grand Hotel)

T18. Using Geologic and Geophysical Data to Unravel Neotectonics and Long-term Deformation across Cascadia (Posters)
Grand Ballroom (Davenport Grand Hotel)

T19. Structure and Tectonics of the North American Cordillera and Rocky Mountains (Posters)
Grand Ballroom (Davenport Grand Hotel)

T22. Management of Hydrologic and Geologic Resources (Posters)
Grand Ballroom (Davenport Grand Hotel)
10:00 AM-11:00 AM
Geoscience Career Program Workshop Part 2: Geoscience Career Exploration
Terrace Room East (Davenport Grand Hotel)
12:00 PM-1:30 PM
1:30 PM-5:30 PM

T2. Magmatic Rare Earth Element Ore Deposits and Minerals for the Future
Birch Ballroom (Davenport Grand Hotel)
T7. Faults, Fractures, and Fluids: Structural Control of Fluid Flow, Fault Zones, and Hydrothermal Processes
Meeting Room 2 (Davenport Grand Hotel)
T14. Continental Mafic Volcanism II: Honoring the Career of Vic Camp
Meeting Room 1 (Davenport Grand Hotel)
T19. Structure and Tectonics of the North American Cordillera and Rocky Mountains II
Maple Ballroom (Davenport Grand Hotel)

T26. Landscape Evolution and Geomorphology of the Greater Pacific Northwest and Northern Rockies
Cedar Ballroom (Davenport Grand Hotel)