Paper No. 41-17
Presentation Time: 8:00 AM-12:00 PM
The mineralogical and geochemical significance of the Copper Basin Anticlinorium regarding ore deposition is relatively unknown, as very few studies have been conducted in this region of the Southern Appalachians. Moreover, the few that are available were published in the 1930s, when sulfide mining operations in the Copper Basin were at their peak. Given the region’s history regarding mineral resources, this research investigates the geologic history of the Copper Basin anticlinorium to expand upon existing information and hypotheses on the origin of its sulfide ore deposits. The primary ore bodies occur in the center of the anticlinorium, while supposedly very little form on the east and west limbs. To better understand why these ores were deposited largely in the center as opposed to the limbs, samples were collected from 9 road cuts along US 64 in East Tennessee, starting at the west limb and ending near the east limb. Each location represents the lithology of different geologic units that make up the anticlinorium, and samples from western-lying and eastern-lying units were compared to samples from the unit that lies in the center. The samples were processed into pressed pellets and glass disks for XRF analysis for major and trace elements. Additionally, at least one sample from each location was thin sectioned for petrographic analysis. Trace element analyses provide essential information on trace constituents of sulfide ores to determine their distribution across the anticlinorium. Trace elements, such as Cu and Ti, in ore samples were compared to results from the east and west limbs. The ore pile samples have low concentrations of Ti (2-3 ppm) but are high in Cu (1211-1265 ppm). Samples from the west limb units are lower in Cu (∼5 ppm) and much higher in Ti, some of which averaged at∼10973 ppm or ∼4018 ppm. Compared to the west, samples from the east limb are higher in Cu (∼32 ppm) while Ti is slightly lower (∼7563 ppm). These results suggest that mineralization occurs primarily in the center of the anticlinorium, and that mineralization slightly increases to the east. Further geochemical and petrographic analysis will aid in determining the petrogenesis of the ore bodies.