Preliminary XRF analyses show these samples are SiO2-poor (30.7 to 36.1 wt.%) and MgO-rich (12.3 to 19.8 wt.%), similar to the marginal troctolites reported by Tenthorey et al. (1996). Our samples also indicate an elevated Al2O3 content (26.1 to 33.6 wt.%), which is reflected in the thin-sections that are dominated by plagioclase crystals. XRF data also show that our samples have a relatively low abundance of Ni (285 to 447 ppm), consistent with low abundance of olivine in the thin-sections, that contrasts with the Ni abundances reported by Tenthorey et al. (1996) for two troctolite groups (1090-1240 ppm).
Preliminary XRD analyses indicate the presence of various hydrous (e.g., tremolite, edenite) and anhydrous (e.g., kaersutite) amphiboles in all samples. All but one sample also potentially contain a form of Obertiite, a relatively uncommon anhydrous amphibole. Petrologic examinations are on-going to confirm the presence/absence of these minerals within the thin-sections, particularly with respect to the presence/absence of coronas and symplectites. Three samples contain abundant coronas with varying degrees of development, but the remaining two appear to lack them. The corona-free samples have higher Cr (909-1096 ppm) and K2O (0.05 wt.%) as well as marginally lower SiO2 (30.7-34.0 wt.%) in contrast to those with coronas (Cr: 193-515 ppm; K2O: <detection; SiO2: 35.6-36.1 wt.%), but otherwise the groups have similar XRF and XRD results.
Ongoing work will focus on thorough examinations of the thin-sections including investigations into the presence of coronas and symplectites and more detailed geochemical results (ICP-AES and -MS) to better understand the samples’ history.