GSA Connects 2022 meeting in Denver, Colorado

Paper No. 238-1
Presentation Time: 9:00 AM-1:00 PM


VAN DER PLUIJM, Ben, Earth & Environmental Sciences, Univ of Michigan, 1100 N University Ave, Ann Arbor, MI 48109

Traditional physical geology offerings examine many, often disconnected, topics. This survey approach may serve students interested in a geology career, but does not capture the interest and imagination of a more general cohort of students. Yet, this latter category is typically the largest population in these courses. These students see limited value and engagement in the survey offering, so are not motivated to pursue additional courses (and degrees) in the otherwise rich learning environment of Earth Sciences. Evidence shows that linking geology and human society engages this general population of undergraduate students, while still meeting the needs of the smaller group that plans a career in the geosciences.

I use a thematic narrative that examines geologic processes in the context of modern human society. The material explores the society-geology nexus by emphasizing connections and feedbacks among interacting spheres (anthroposphere, atmosphere, hydrosphere, geosphere). A subset of traditional physical geology material is used in topical blocks that revolve around societal relevance and human connections. Using a set of themes, the fundamentals and application of societally-relevant physical processes are examined, providing meaningful understanding and supporting decision making in today’s world. The coverage includes into non-traditional areas, like freshwater and air processes, and offers ample opportunity for digression and applications with more local relevance. A working outline and supporting materials are posted at, .