GeoTrips replaces the basic information panel with a panel that allows animations, videos, StreetView, GigaPan, voiceovers, text with embedded images, linked activities and weblinks. GeoTrips allows a mix of standard GEW and enhanced GEW, supporting easy implementation. It is illustrated by a geological fieldtrip example. GeoExplorations adds GED functionality to GEW by adding on-demand globe overlays with points, lines, polygons and images with embedded information and hotlinks. Georeferenced point overlays (like real-time earthquakes), line overlays (like plate boundaries) and image overlays (like geologic maps) can be used. For example, locations on a hotlinked geologic map or a specific earthquake event can be queried and link to more detailed information on the web. Because GEW’s globe view is affected, GeoExplorations requires that all stops in a module are modified; it is illustrated by a Geology of the US module. These latest versions of eGEW incorporate Google’s recent changes to html (disallowing ‘onclick’) and a hosted javascript that background manages functionality. Users of eGEW modules only need to replace links to their material.
Examples and instructions will be posted at https://vdpluijm.blogspot.com/2021/07/enhanced-google-earth-web.html